Well I was not one of the privileged few to attend Spice's Media Launch for 2k11. In general ,I prefer not to make too many comments on a costume I have not seen at a launch or at the mas camp for myself in fairness to the designers. Saucy was able to take some pretty good pics which she is kind enough to let me borrow for this post . So at least which I think I can still give a first impression.
Overall, I think its a good start to a relatively newer group of designers. I like the colour combination used in Tres Chic (d pink one) and I definitely concur with Saucy's observation that the necklace is a carbon copy of Mystery of Loulan's necklace this year. Looks like gladiator foot pieces are here to stay as well. Its still very pretty and pending closer observation I am inclined to give it a thumbs up and I think its the better between the two.
Jubilee Diamond is also attractive overall but I can see myself having some issues with some of the detail . Its a white and silver costume so I wont criticise the colouring although I tend to like some more colour if I were to choose for myself but the sparkle in the diamante helps in the sunlight to give it a lift. I guess the cage bra is here to stay as well. I personally am not a big cage bra fan although I think on some people it looks fantastic. What I do not fancy is cage bras that require pasties underneath to be wearable as is the case here. The head piece is cute too , a bit reminiscent of "Sunken Treasure" but on a more blinged scale. The wings are fantastic and its probably what I like most about the costume. Overall although it looks cute I think its a bit sparse, the necklace is minimal and so are the arm and leg pieces. Maybe that's what they are going for...skimpy and then fabulous in the backpack . However, as a consumer I get a bit disgruntled when my waist band has minimal decoration as I certainly won't be wearing wings both days. What does that leave me with for Monday if I want to wear my costume? I reserve my final consensus when I see it close up. I am definitely interested in seeing what else they have in store.
Oh and I must give thumbs up to the design team for being very well put together themselves for the occasion.
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